announcing Jesus to the nations
remnant ministries
Maria Ignacia Garate
Evangelist MarĂa has been preaching the Gospel full-time since December 2017. Remnant Ministries, founded in 2018, dedicated to reaching those that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and purposed to raise up a remnant generation of believers who carry the fire of the Holy Ghost!
Remnant Ministries has conducted a number of Gospel Campaigns where we have seen over 45,000 documented decisions for Jesus Christ. We have been commissioned to preach Christ, teach the un-compromised Word of faith, and demonstrate the power of God to the nations!

We are carrying revival fire across the nations of the Earth. To date, we have seen over 45,000 documented decisions for Jesus Christ in 27 countries throughout 4 continents.
From open air international Gospel Campaigns, to week-long revivals and Holy Ghost meetings; we are impacting our world through the proclamation of the finished works of Jesus Christ.
community outreach
international crusades
holy ghost revivals
Fueling your faith wherever you are!
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